August 2024 Update

For behold, Your enemies make as tumult; And those who hate you have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against your people, and consulted together against your sheltered ones. They have said, "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more. - Psalm 83:2-4

Just a quick update and some prayer requests.

The Lord supernaturally allowed us to board our flight to Israel with our dog, Sable.
We began the boarding process at 3:30 EST without permission to fly with Sable, as per the USDA. We’ll explain in detail on the next update.


It’s 8:30am Friday morning, Israel time. 1: 00am EST, early Friday morning.
The Iranian’s and all their proxies have promised a severe response to our eliminating several high-ranking terrorist leaders, one on Iranian soil.

It could begin tonight, nobody knows.

Please pray for the Lord’s supernatural protection for the country. For divine intervention.

We are buried in boxes, having to empty our original Mission House, 7-bedroom, 3000 sq. ft home, into a 3-bedroom, 1000 sq. ft. unit. Please pray for strength and endurance, as we have friends & family coming to visit

If you are interested in serving with us in Israel or have any questions, email us at:

If you wish to partner with us, your tax-deductible gift is facilitated through Shepherd’s Staff. You can DONATE HERE.

Blessings From Jerusalem

Larry & Bess