These are just a few of the ministries you might have an opportunity to serve:
LEKET israel | National Food Bank
Leket Israel, the National Food Bank, is the leading food rescue organization in Israel. Unique among all other organizations that serve the poor in Israel and food banks worldwide, Leket Israel’s sole focus is rescuing healthy, surplus food and delivering it to those in need through partner nonprofit organizations.
The Beautiful Land Initiative
The BLI is an environmental stewardship organization based near the Sea of Galilee dedicated to solving the litter problem in Israel. At any given location, whether holy or common, high places or recreational areas, highways or by-ways, you will come across copious amounts of litter along the way and most likely at your destination. Our mission is to coordinate with tour groups, volunteers, organizations, businesses, and ministries in Israel and abroad to unite to clean up litter in Israel.
The vision of The BLI is to lead by example to bring about a paradigm shift within the culture and across the nation regarding how we deal with litter in Israel. Join us in Israel by scheduling an hour or two with The BLI on our schedule page.
In Leviticus 25:23 God makes an astonishing statement about the physical land of Israel. He says, “The Land is Mine.” When God gave the Land of Israel to Abraham in Genesis 12:7 He said, “To your descendants, I will give this Land.” It is the inheritance of God’s people to steward the land of Israel, His possession. Help us restore beauty to Israel!

King of Kings Community in Jerusalem
King of Kings is a messianic Jewish congregation that has recently opened the Manna Kitchen and now provides hot meals to those in need on Mondays and Fridays. We helped to clean, setup the tables, cleanup, and serve for one of those meals.
The Joseph Project
The Joseph Project is largely funded by the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America. It collects, ships, and distributes more than 75 tons of clothing, furniture, household goods, medical supplies and other aid each year. We toured a warehouse where we learned about the organization and put together approximately 350 emergency bomb shelter kits. The kits are comprised of simple items needed by families when they must go to a bomb shelter during the many rocket attacks that occur each year, such as paper towels, paper plates, utensils, toilet paper, a game to keep the children occupied, etc.

The Joshua Fund
The Joshua Fund purchases food with monetary donations, which it then provides to Holocaust survivors, the elderly, single mothers, homeless people, widows, orphans, and other poor and needy Jews, Muslims, and Christians. It has more than a dozen distribution centers throughout Israel. We worked at the main warehouse and prepared 21 pallets of food to send to those distribution centers. Some of the members of our team were blessed to go on food deliveries to families who lived nearby. It touched our hearts to meet and pray with those families.
Shalva, which means peace of mind in Hebrew, is an educational and therapeutic facility for disabled children, primarily those with Down’s Syndrome. Shalva works with children from birth through 21 years and currently provides services to more than 500 participants. We toured the facility, cleaned toys, sorted clothes, and met some of the children. What a blessing to see how those children freely gave love!

Bridges For Peace
Bridges for Peace is a Christian organization that works to build relationships between the Jewish people and Christians in Israel and throughout the world. It was astonishing to learn that Jewish people associate Christians with past atrocities, like the Crusades and the Holocaust. Although we know that people who commit evil acts in the name of Yeshua are not truly Christian, the Jewish people believe that they were and, therefore, generally want nothing to do with Christian people. It was also surprising to learn that some purported Christians still ask Jewish people why they killed Jesus. Bridges for Peace works to dispel these myths by showing the Israeli people love through practical assistance (such as installing handrails in older people’s homes and other repair projects), volunteer service, and prayer. We served at an elementary school that is attended by Jewish, Christian, and Arab children. The school is a new community contact of Bridges for Peace. After we toured the school and met some of the children, we painted a portion of a sports mural, cleaned up and pulled weeds in a playground, and painted the wall surrounding the playground.
Christ Church
Christ Church is located in Jerusalem’s Old City. Christ Church is the oldest Protestant Church in the Middle East. It was completed in 1849 and currently serves an evangelical Anglican congregation. Each year, Jerusalem has a week-long Festival of Lights. Christ Church is located at the end of the path along which lighted displays are set up for people to walk through and enjoy. This year, Christ Church put up its own light display and welcomed people to walk through its facility. It provided free Bibles and books in several different languages, water and lemonade, and gospel presentations. Our team helped to prepare for and serve those who came to the event that night.