Team Member Testimonials
This is what other team members are saying about serving the people of Israel through Beit Rachamim (House of Compassion). Come, see the land, serve the people, and have your life changed forever. Bless and be blessed.
Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
– Matthew 9:35-38
If you have served on a team and would like to submit a testamonial, please fill out the form below.

Tony F. - Calvary Chapel Finger Lakes
I want to take the time to say how wonderful it was to stay with you and what a privilege it was to serve with you. If The Lord allows me to bring students again I hope that I will be able to work with you in the future. God has given you a great gift to not only host groups but a tremendous gift of hospitality. You have a great gift of organization which I personally appreciate. I have already had the opportunity to share with some other Pastors that are praying about doing mission trips to Israel. This is probably the first time, even though each trip has been fruitful, that every opportunity was a tremendous blessing.

Leket Israel
Dear Larry and Bess, along with the wonderful volunteer group: Thanks for coming to the farm Thursday to pick with Leket Israel. I know it was your first time at the Shiller farm, and I hope you come with your future groups! I really enjoyed meeting you guys and you are doing something very special. Please know your hard work will put smiles on the faces of families who can now have peaches in their fruit basket. Your group, combined with the other group, picked 500 pounds of peaches, that will go 125 families this week.

Greg and Gail H. - Yeshuat Tsion
Our time with you all in the land God loves was unforgettable. Greg and I have discussed over many meals all that we will take away from this time and what might be next for us on this God inspired journey. We sincerely thank you for all the unseen plans and preparations that made our experience so rich and life-changing. We stand amazed at the lives you impact through your ministry, those who are served and those who are blessed to serve. Take care and we will see you in Colorado soon. Shalom.

Bob and Diana W.
Bess, you and Larry have been in my prayers since we met you last April. Thanks again for the WONDERFUL time Bob and I shared with you. Our trip to Israel was truly life-changing. Please know that our time with you and Larry were some of our fondest memories. I wish we could have returned for Passover this year. After spending it in Israel last year, Passover will never be the same for me, especially if I cannot spend it in Jerusalem! Keep blessing visitors with your warm hospitality and delightful service to the Lord. If you're ever in Chicago, we'd love to serve you.

Judy B. - Truth Church Calvary
Thank you, Bess, for all you and Larry did to make our experience so rich and rewarding. There is no doubt in my mind that God answered our prayers and provided divine appointments, increased knowledge, an opportunity to serve in numerous ways, and a sense of His presence. Some might think after traveling to Israel four times, it'd get boring. Quite the contrary! I'm more in love with the land and the Jewish people than ever and pray He might provide another opportunity to go back soon! Thank you, Bess! Thank you, Larry! May God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry! Shalom in the blessed name of Yeshua!

The Milligan Family - Calvary Aurora, CO
I want to express our gratitude for hosting us and putting the time and effort into setting up the different ministries and showing us the glory of Israel. We appreciate comfortable home and the great food we ate while we were there. I want to let you know God used you two in a great way in the following areas: showing us the great spiritual and physical needs there are in Israel, showing us why we need to pray for the people, seeing the archeological and geographical proofs of our faith, being able to see the historical sites of the Bible, giving us a heart for Israel and confirming the calling that God has on our lives. He is still showing us the fruit He produced through our trip. I want to encourage you to keep pressing forward and making yourselves available to be used to further the Kingdom of God. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Dan R. - CC Surfside, FL
Just wanted to send along my sincere Thanks to you for your wisdom and for your servant's heart that God gave to both of you! We really enjoyed our trip and your ministry to us. I would love to come back sometime and see you and share more about the nation of Israel. Bess, you are a special woman with exuberance and zeal for your work. Larry, you are a special man with love and desire to do the work that God has called both of you to do. Thank you both for your leadership and for helping us to love God's people even more.

Dan and Monica O. – Calvary South Denver, CO
We thoroughly enjoyed our first trip to Israel. What a wonderful way to see the land of the Bible and to meet and serve the people of Israel. We served in many different capacities including praying for soldiers at a rehab hospital, clearing vegetation at a local natural area, serving tea to visitors in the Old City of Jerusalem, assembling pallets of food at a warehouse, organizing donations of food and clothing at another ministry, and actually serving the people of Israel with a meal and clothing donation. It was an inspiration to work alongside those ministries blessing the people of Israel in Yeshua’s name. Larry and Bess are gracious hosts. We greatly enjoyed meeting them and being welcomed into their home. We also loved Bess’ cooking; introducing us to much of the local cuisine!

Cathy M. - Calvary Chapel Aurora, CO
When we ask with an honest heart, God is faithful to provide and to reveal Himself to us. God revealed Himself to me in a powerful way on a short-term missions trip with Beit Rachamim. He showed me how He is providing and caring for His people in remarkable ways. It was such a blessing to meet and serve Jewish people who had immigrated to Israel from all over the world, including the Ukraine, Russia, Italy, Yemen, and Ethiopia. I even had the privilege of praying with some of them. I look forward to the next time that I am able to go, serve, and share Yeshua's love with the people of Israel.

Donna G. - Calvary Chapel Aurora, CO
What a blessing to be a part of the first mission trip to Israel, with Beit Rachamim! While a tour of Israel explores its past and gives insight to further my Bible study and knowledge of my Savior, a mission trip provides opportunities to serve the Israel of today. And the Israel of today needs their Savior, Yeshua (Jesus)! God placed on my heart a desire to go and serve, and he honored that desire, as we touched the lives of people who are poor, hungry, disabled, and lonely. By preparing emergency kits, serving food, offering a cool glass of water or visiting poor and elderly families and individuals we demonstrated the love of God and his Son. My prayer is that these small acts of love, done in the name of Yeshua, will open hearts to his salvation.

Craig W. - Calvary Chapel Aurora, CO
I have been blessed to go on two separate tours of Israel, and they were fantastic as it helps the Bible come alive. Going on the missions trip was a completely different experience as I was involved directly with ministries who have direct impact with the people in Israel. It was an amazing experience as our leader Larry guided us to the seven ministries we were able to serve with. It was important to come with a servants heart to just want to bless all those we came in direct contact with. Beit Rachamim is such a God-centered ministry that allows everyone to take part in a truly life changing trip as we bring the love of Jesus directly to those in Israel. Even though I was blessed to be a part of the original trip, I would go again tomorrow if our Church had another trip.

Matt M. - Calvary Chapel Aurora, CO
It was such a blessing to serve the people of Israel on the first short-term missions trip hosted by Beit Rachamim. Larry and Bess are such amazing people with a true heart for God and desire to serve the people of Israel. The trip was such an amazing experience filled with opportunities to learn about and spend time with the people of Israel and to share the light and love of Yeshua (Jesus). While you may have been on a tour to Israel, this is a very different type of experience, that if done with a heart for service will foster in you a joy and love of Israel like you never imagined. It was a life changing trip. I cannot wait to return.