The month of July for us could best be described by the opening line of Charles Dickens epic novel “A Tale of Two Cities”. “It was the best of times, it was the the most difficult of times”. I’m taking some liberties and exchanging “difficult” for worst.
Calvary Chapel East Anaheim
(pictured above) Lead by KC Mercer, blessed us, blessed Israel, and blessed God. They totally restored our front and back yards. It was a difficult clean up that we had neglected and procrastinated for over six months.
We picked apples for Leket, Israel’s National Food Bank, which was enough to feed four hundred families with a two kilo bundle. We restored a heavily overgrown path for walkers, bicycles, and motorcycles in a park in Ein Kerem, the home of John the(he wasn’t a Baptist) Baptist, and cleaned up a beach along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. They concluded their stay with our IDF Soldiers outreach at the Jerusalem Central Bus Station, which morphed into “anything that had breath” outreach, as we had a few who were more comfortable speaking to people that weren’t carrying guns!
Thank you CC East Anaheim. The Lord will reward you!
As the CC East Anaheim team left.
The Woottons arrived.
We had met Greg and Bev Wootton 1 ½ years ago as we hosted them with their son Isaac and Isaac’s son Ezekiel who were visiting from Africa for Ezekiel’s Bar Mitzvah.
Greg has trained thousands of Pastors in Nigeria, and Isaac pastors Calvary Chapel Jinja, in Uganda, as well as their School of Ministry.
Greg and Bev came to Israel from the U.S. as twenty year olds…unsaved. They worked on a Kibbutz for a few years. One of the “Kibbutzniks” gave them a New Testament. It wasn’t long after, that they met their Messiah. They raised all their children in Israel, served in the IDF, and received a call from God to go to Africa and serve the Lord there, which they have done faithfully for the last fourteen years.
We received a text from Greg that their son Isaiah had been tragically & brutally murdered in a home invasion in Nigeria, leaving his wife critically injured, still trying to recover from her wounds.
They needed a “getaway”, a safe place to seek the Lord, “a time to heal”, “a time to mourn”, “a time to weep”, “a time to laugh”.
Fortunately, our house was available. I was only able to assist them with “a time to laugh”, Bess took up the slack and provided the physical and emotional needs that only a mother can give.
The presence of the Lord was palpable in our prayers and devotions.
They will be seeking the Lord for direction in their lives in a most challenging venture. This event has taken the wind out of their sails.

With their son Isaac and his wife, and their five children, for the next ninety days beginning Thursday August 8th, they will be hiking the Israel National Trail, praying over the land and seeking his face for direction. We are asking that you stand with them in prayer.
This journey will take them 1,000 kilometers, that’s 600 miles, on foot, through the high places to the valleys, from Dan in the north, to the Red Sea at Eilat. Please pray for their safety, and that they will hear from God as to how they are to continue in ministry. You can Google “Israel National Trail” to see the daunting task that is before them. They know they cannot do it in their own strength.
You can pray for us as well, as we come into a very busy season through November.
Service Spotlight
Forgot to mention the effort CC East Anaheim did at the Joseph Project. Much clothing and household goods being made ready for orphans and families in need. Thanks Guys!

While he was in the hospital, we had a chance to visit long time tour guide for Calvary Chapel Aurora. Sharaga Ben Yosef and his lovely wife Neva. They were excited to see us representing Calvary Church Aurora.
If you would like to serve with us in Israel, or have some questions, you can email us at:
If felt led to support our work in Israel, your tax deductible gift is facilitated by:
House Of Compassion International
House Of Compassion is a registered 501(C) (3) Non-Profit, Organization #84-4256898
Blessings From Jerusalem
Larry & Bess