How to become a regular Partner with
Beit Rachamim:
First and foremost, we covet your prayer for us personally as well as for the ministry as a whole. We face many obstacles and hurdles because we know the enemy does not take kindly to this ministry and there can be strong opposition to the believing community in Israel.
Second, we ask that you prayerfully consider donating to our work here so that we can continue to provide all that is necessary to host mission trips.
Finally, prayerfully consider leading or being a part of a short-term mission trip to Israel with fellow believers within the body of Christ.
We ask that you prayerfully consider supporting this important work. We would welcome the opportunity to visit your church to meet and further discuss the ministry “face-to-face.”
Beit Rachamim is now a 501(C) (3) Non-Profit and you can make a secure financial support donation directly to us through
PayPal by clicking on the link below.