If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her skill. Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I remember thee not; if I set not Jerusalem above my chief joy. - Psalm 137:5-6
We just completed an exciting 10- day mission adventure. We had a team of TWO… which showed me that bigger isn’t necessarily better. As the above verse states, if you fear the Lord, walk in his ways and love him, and SERVE him with all your heart, you receive the Lord’s favor & blessing.
Penelope Langlois from Calvary Spotsylvania in Virginia, and KC Mercer from Calvary South Anaheim didn’t know each other before last week…but we all became fast friends and fellow co-laborers, as they poured their hearts out ministering to the “Lost Sheep of The House of Israel”, as well as helping us at our home with some much overdue yard work. It was Penelope’s first visit, so we had to find time to visit the “Old City”, Tiberias, the Sea of Galilee, Ein Gedi, as well as many local Jerusalem favorites.
We ministered in coffee shops, riding the light rail, serving at a Soup Kitchen, a National Food Distribution Center, as well as a cemetery…yes, a Christian cemetery run by the Alliance Church and overseen by an old friend. Individuals and groups come in to see the beautiful murals of bible stories hand painted on the walls. Both got to hear the Gospel message that day..Praise The Lord. We didn’t raise the dead, BUT we did raisemany questions in the hearts and minds of those that were willing to listen.
Thanks Penelope & KC for a “job well done”. You are both true servants of the “Most High God”.
I’m a believer that a picture is worth a thousand words…Enjoy!

Next week begins the Jewish Holiday of Purim. The story of the joyous holiday of Purim might appear somber at first glance: It tells of the near-destruction of the Jewish people as decreed by Haman, an adviser to the Persian King Ahashuerus.
However, Ahashuerus’ newly crowned queen, Esther – who replaced Vashti when she was thrown out of the kingdom – is secretly a Jew. You all know the story as it unfolds in the bible…the book of Esther. One of my favorite bible verses is when Esther’s uncle Mordechai reminds her:
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” – Esther 4:14
So I pose the same question to you. As believers in the “Most High God”, “The Holy One of Israel”, the Lord of Lords and the Kings of Kings….”and who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.
Friends, the time is short…whether you join us in Israel or minister in your own back yard…let us be about our father’s business.
If you wish to join us in Israel, or have any questions, send us an email
If you wish to support our work, your tax-deductible donation:
Blessings From Jerusalem
Larry & Bess