As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, Or if due to strength, eighty years, Yet their pride is but labor and sorrow; For soon it is gone and we fly away. Who understands the power of Your anger And Your fury, according to the fear that is due You? So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom. - Psalm 90:10-12
The month of June became one of the most challenging months of our twenty plus years in Israel. Three prominent Messianic leaders, all friends, were called home to be with the Lord. All three actually died within a seven day period.
Eddie Santoro battled brain cancer for four years. He co-pastored a congregation with Asher Intrater. Eliyahu Ben- Chaim was the co-founder and director of IFI, Intercessors For Israel, and Ishai Reinhardt was the founder and director of Hands Of Mercy, located in Sderot (pictured above).
I know many of you reading this update know Ishai. Over the last four years most of our mission teams served with Hands Of Mercy. His wartime experience in Viet Nam enabled him to minister to the victims of terror attacks in Sderot, the city in Israel that was the target of thousands of rockets, sitting practically on the Gaza border. He was one of a kind, a heart of gold. I’ve been on his board for fifteen years. Please pray, as we seek new leadership to carry on Ishai’s legacy.
The Lord led me to Psalm 90 posted above. Verse ten was quite sobering. “As for the days of our lives, they contain seventy years. Or if due to strength, eighty years. I wasn’t feeling very strong as I read those words. All of those men, including myself fall in that age range.
We are not to count the years “arithmetically”, but to live as if the present one Is the last. We don’t know the day when the Lord will require our souls. Consider the shortness of our days…they are like a vapor.