Monthly Update: Making a DifferenceYesterday, April 18, Israel was pausing to mourn 23,646 fallen soldiers, and 3,134 terror victims. From sorrow to gladness in less than a day, and beginning with last night’s fireworks display all across the nation, and continuing today with outdoor picnics and barbeques, the nation rejoices in honor of God’s faithfulness for 70 years of existence of the modern State of Israel, resurrected from the dead after thousands of years in 1948. April got off to a fast start for us, as we hosted a group of 35 tourists from Singapore & Canada with their first Passover Seder. It was a great time of fellowship and teaching. For the second year in a row, the mission team of 7 from Calvary Chapel Surfside served with us for 8 days. They were joined by Greg & Gail from Denver. Nine true servants of the Lord made their mark throughout the country. Despite a late arrival on their first night(we got back from the airport around 2:00am), we were off to the Galilee the following morning for a beach cleanup, a stormy ride on the Sea of Galilee, and a visit to the newly found city of Migdal, with its first century synagogue, most likely visited by Yeshua himself! 
The beach was busy, but not too busy to make new friends and great conversation. 
After a day of visiting Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum, the rest of the day was spent in the Old City, visiting the Christ Church compound and the Western Wall. It was back to work on Thursday, Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. We were really blessed by having an opportunity to serve in Haifa, at the home of 70 survivors, established by the International Christian Embassy. We set up and cleaned all the outdoor seating and had lunch and great fellowship with many of the survivors. 

Friday was spent in the park & forest in beautiful Ein Kerem, home of “Yochanan The Immerser” (John The Baptist) building a retaining wall that will hopefully survive the next winter’s flooding. 
After a visit to the “Road To Emaus” in the afternoon, it was time for Shabbat, dinner, and a well-deserved rest. Shabbat (Saturday) was our day to tour, and enjoy the beauty of Ein Gedi & The Dead Sea. The remainder of the week had us serving at the Alliance Church Cemetery, cleaning, mowing, & cutting. The Lord was faithful in sending me a Jewish tourist from Sweden who got more then he bargained for, but left, I feel, with much to think about. 
The next day had us serving lunch at the King of Kings Soup Kitchen for the local Jerusalemites. They came for a hot meal & fellowship. They got both and them some, as they were pampered and loved on. 
The teams final day to serve was in Sderot, the city that borders Gaza, as we assisted “Hand of Mercy” with many chores that were accomplished. The team also had time to take in the wonderful worship service at King of Kings, meet many of the Pastors, Jerusalem’s outdoor market, “The Shuk”, a trip to the Garden Tomb, Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemene, and of course, plenty of time to shop. Bess found time to deliver to Be’ad Chaim, the Pro-life group, a large donation of infant socks, given by a previous team. 
Hats off to a great effort, by a great bunch of true servants. The Lord was well pleased, I’m sure. If you’re interested in serving with us in Israel, or have any questions, please email us at: If you’re interested in partnering with us financially, your tax deductible gift. DONATE HERE Blessings From Jerusalem Larry & Bess |