How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces shalom, who brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” - Isaiah 52:7
How then shall they call on the One in whom they have not trusted? And how shall they trust in the One they have not heard of? And how shall they hear without someone proclaiming? And how shall they proclaim unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who proclaim good news of good things!” - Romans 10:14-15
On August 1st, we completed our two month, three-team assignment. The only thing Bess & I can say is WOW!
Our mission home in Har Adar was once again not available to us, so we were housed at the Abraham Hostel, a centrally located facility in the heart of Jerusalem. People from every country, all ages, all beliefs, and all searching, to one degree or another!
Never before had Bess & I experienced so many opportunities to share the Good News. What surprised us the most, was that half of them were Jewish.
The Lord wasted little time in hooking us up with Mark & Laura Aronson. They had just made ‘Aliyah’ (new immigrants to Israel) a
few months ago, living in Haifa, decided to visit Jerusalem for the very first time. We had almost a full week to share with them, joined us for a Shabbat dinner & many breakfasts at the Hostel. We remain in contact with them. Please pray for them.
Miriam from Paris, Dana from New York & Raphael, an Israeli living in San Antonio were all divine appointments. I met Raphael at the top of Ein Gedi at David’s Waterfall. He was with his son, just visiting family & friends in Israel, enjoying the time with his son before returning to the U.S. the following day. We had about ½ hour to discuss the messiahship of Yeshua. He promised to read and study the prophesies in the Tenach, the Old Testament. Please pray for them as well.
We are usually writing about all the work and touring that the team’s experienced. We wrote about Team 1 in last months newsletter. Team 2 was our first Spanish Team, led by Pastor Beto, and Team 3 led by Pastor Micah, both from Mission Hills Church. Both groups worked their tails off & experienced all that Israel has to offer from a tourist perspective, from the Galilee to the Dead Sea, and everything in between, as well as Israel’s culinary delights!
Forty-Three missionaries in all. It was exhausting, physically challenging, but spiritually, the most rewarding time Bess and I have ever experienced. The Lord is moving powerfully amongst his people in Israel. Pray about joining us one day.
The church tours are great, but if you want an opportunity to meet the “Living Stones”, as well as the ancient stones, pictured above, to literally put your hands in the dirt, share your faith and the Love the Lord has shown you, and proclaim “Your God Reigns”, as Isaiah did in the verses above, then join us one day in Israel.
The pictures below are random shots taken from both teams in no particular order.
If you have any questions, or wish to join us one day,
you can email us at:
If you are led to support our work amongst the Jewish people in Israel & the U.S.
you can DONATE HERE.
Larry & Bess