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September 2015 Newsletter

From Rosh HaShanah(Feast Of Trumpets) to Yom Kippur(Day Of Atonement) there are ten days. The Lord gave these days to Israel to prepare for His judgment. They became known as:
the "Yamim Noraim" - the "Days of Awe"

It has been long believed that during these days one’s final destiny was sealed concerning the Book of Life, God’s eternal Book of Judgment. Thus every year the Jewish people have observed these days with great reverence and repentance so as to be right with God and with men.

“Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity and passes over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in mercy. He will turn again, He will have compassion on us, and He will subdue our iniquities. Yes, You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.” – Micah 7:18-19

One of the more beautiful ceremonies of the Jewish faith is called “Tashlich”. Tashlich means to cast away. Every year between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, Jewish people around the world journey to a nearby river or stream and cast in bread crumbs as they confess their sins. Just as the bread crumbs are swept downstream soon to be out of sight, so they believe God will sweep away their sins.

We as believers in Yeshua (Jesus), know that true forgiveness doesn’t come by doing works, keeping traditions and taking part in beautiful ceremonies. Reconciliation with God comes by truly giving up our lives for His purposes and receiving atonement for our sin through Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah), as the Hebrew Scriptures clearly show.

As of this writing, we are in the midst of the “Days Of Awe” here in Israel, and once again the Lord continues to be Awesome and Faithful.

We are very excited to announce the addition of two more local ministries who are as excited to have us serving with them, as we are to be ministering alongside them!

The first one will allow us to minister and pray directly with patients in the Rehabilitation wing of one the largest hospitals in Israel. If you have a passion for the sick or injured, or a gifting in prayer or healing (or music)- PLEASE COME WITH YOUR TEAM.

The second, will give us the opportunity to share our faith on the streets & beaches of Tel Aviv.

This ministry has a 30-year history of street evangelism with a great track record & much fruit. Specialized training & materials are included.

There are some required prerequisites and other considerations, so please contact me directly if you have a passion for the lost and a desire to minister to the “Lost Sheep Of The House Of Israel”.

The response to our vision to come & serve here in Israel has been nothing less than AWESOME

Over the next 10 months, we already have 6 teams scheduled to come, and we have only been here 6 weeks, having arrived on August 5th.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly

How to Partner with Beit Rachamim:

First and foremost, we covet prayer for us personally as well as for the ministry as a whole. We face many obstacles and hurdles because we know the enemy does not take kindly to this ministry and there can be strong opposition to the believing community in Israel.

Secondly, we ask that you prayerfully consider donating to our work here so that we can continue to provide all that is necessary to host mission trips.

Lastly, prayerfully consider leading or being a part of a short-term mission trip to Israel with fellow believers within the body of Christ.

Please feel free to forward this “update” to a friend or pastor who might be interested in our work in Israel.

If you are interested in helping to support this work. all donations:


Contact us:

Blessings From Jerusalem

Larry & Bess Herzekow