A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. - John 13:34-35
June was one of the busiest months we have experienced in our three years of ministry. We had our entire family from the States come to Jerusalem for the wedding our daughter Simcha. The two weeks of festivities saw sixteen people in our home, not including Bess and myself. It was the first time that all our children and grandchildren were in Israel at the same time.

The day the family left we picked up the four-person team from Flint River Baptist Church from Huntsville, Alabama, at their hotel in Jerusalem. They had just completed their church tour. We had the privilege of speaking there in January. They served with us at the Alliance Church Cemetery, the Park in Ein Kerem, and knocked it out of the park at the Shiller Field apple orchard with Leket, Israel’s National Food Bank. They picked 2400 pounds of apples that went to 600 families in need!

Not to be outdone, The team from the Bible College Of Calvary Chapel Finger Lakes, proceeded to pick 3300 pounds of apples that fed 825 families. They were with us for six days which included serving at the King of Kings Soup Kitchen, painted the offices of Keren Sheba Foundation, a ministry to the Ethiopian Jewish community, as well as working in our yard, and serving two other families in our village with yardwork and babysitting.

We closed out their week with a journey to the “Road To Emmaus” which was enjoyed by all. Both teams fulfilled the above verses from the Book of John. Everyone we served knew they were disciples of Messiah Yeshua, Jesus.
As of this writing, Bess is in Spain, ministering to the women of Calvary Chapel Barcelona. We will rendezvous at Messiah College in Pennsylvania to attend and promote Beit Rachamim at the MJAA National Conference(Messianic Jewish Alliance). We will continue on to Orlando to do the same at the UMJC Conference (Union Of Messianic Jewish Congregations).
So after three years and much prayer, we determined that we had to make a adjustment to our current price structure. Rent, food, and transportation expenses have gone up considerably, so effective January 1, 2019, but excluding teams that have already scheduled for next year, our per diem rate per person, which includes housing, food, transportation & scheduling will go from $60 to $75.
We could use prayer for traveling mercies, physical strength & health, wisdom and direction as we enter into our fourth year of ministry.
We are most grateful & blessed for your continued prayer and financial support.
If you’re interested in serving with us in Israel you can email us at: LarryandBess@gmail.com
If you wish to support our work, your tax deductible gift.
Blessings From Jerusalem
Larry & Bess