If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her skill. Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I remember thee not; if I set not Jerusalem above my chief joy. - Psalm 137:5-6
The last time our newsletter went out was almost three months ago!
It’s the first time in almost three years, that we have not produced a monthly update. We have lots of excuses, but this is what we have been doing since Thanksgiving.
We arrived in Denver a few days before Thanksgiving and were blessed by the arrival of our 5th grandchild.
We celebrated Thanksgiving, Chanukah, and Christmas with the family, and left for New York City, where I grew up, on the 26th of December. We met with my sister and brother-in-law, cousin, and two friends I’ve known almost 60 years from the “hood”.
“Challenging” would be the best way to describe those encounters. We did the best we could…pray for them.
Our next stop was Boston, where Bess grew up, to visit her brother, family, and friends. I always kinda made fun of Boston, as being a pint-sized New York where the people spoke a terrible version of English, much worse than New Yorkers, but I always rooted for the Red Sox to beat the Yankees. Guess that wasn’t good enough, as the “principalities” that rule over Boston sent out it’s emissaries to steal my fanny pack at Logan Airport. All of our cash, and both my passports were gone. It was a day we wanted to “forget thee, O’ Boston”, and move on to Orlando, which we did on New Years Day.
We visited with Calvary Chapel Surfside on the east coast of Florida, as well an International Skateboard ministry that is praying about joining us in Israel with their mission team from Ft. Myers. We also spent a day with Mike & Lisa Gilbert, with Calvary North Port.
We spent our final day in Florida with another friend and his wife who I grew up with in NY, currently living in the Orlando area.
Before returning to Denver, we were invited to speak at several churches in Huntsville, Alabama. We were hosted by several wonderful families who are diligent intercessors for the State of Israel & the lost sheep, a loving, and generous group of families from Flint River Baptist Church
We returned to Denver for our last week in the States, where we visited with several pastors and churches who are very excited about coming to serve in Israel.
I was able to get my replacement passport expedited, and because of the tremendous generosity of our “community”, friends, and family, all of the monies that were lost in Boston were recouped through a “GoFundMe” page that was set up by our son.
Needless to say, after seven weeks, we were anxious to return home. Not just because we had two mission groups that would be joining us soon, but because we missed Jerusalem. With all of its craziness, clash of people groups, spiritual warfare, and an everyday challenge to complete the simplest of tasks, we felt the cry and the heart of the psalmist who penned Psalm 137. Although we weren’t in “exile” like the psalmist probably was, we definitely felt we were in the diaspora.
The pictures below show the team of seven that preceded the Calvary Aurora Tour, as well as the team of eight that stayed four additional days after the tour to serve with us. We had a unique opportunity to serve the needy in Bet Shemesh, actually visiting with them in their homes, cleaning windows and bathrooms, and praying with them.
All but one of the fifteen were here in Israel for the first time. We know that they will not “forget thee O’ Jerusalem either.
If you are interested in serving with us in Israel or have any questions, email us at: larryandbess@gmail.com
If you wish to partner with us, your tax-deductible gift you can: DONATE HERE
Blessings From Jerusalem
Larry & Bess