And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. - Zechariah 14:16
The six women team from Truth Church Calvary arrived in Israel in the midst of Sukkot- The Feast of Tabernacles. It is probably the most exciting time to be in Israel. The bible commands us to “Rejoice” during the “Feast”, and is one of the three pilgrimages, requiring all male Israelites to be in Jerusalem. Sukkot also celebrates the gathering of the harvest and commemorates the miraculous protection God provided for the children of Israel when they left Egypt.
The two days of “Holy Convocation”, Sabbath’s, didn’t allow us to be in the field serving, but did allow us to do some study on “Sukkot”. I challenge all to review the many verses dealing with The Feast of Tabernacles, both in the Tenach and the New Covenant. Must be pretty important to God, based on the words he gave to the prophet Zechariah in the above verse.
The mission team served at The Joshua Fund, packing food to feed about 2,000 people. We worked in the Ein Kerem forest National Park, and had meaningful dialogue with Noa, who oversees the park with her husband Alon, advancing our 2 year relationship with them.
We traveled to Tiberius and the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), and served with “The Beautiful Land Initiative”. The Lord provided several opportunities to share with vacationers, a few even decided to pitch in picking up trash on the beach- a great testimony of “provoking the Jew to jealousy”.
We took the team to “Leket Israel”. The National Food Bank is an Israeli charity that distributes surplus food to needy people. We worked side by side with a large group of women students and teachers.
We spent one day at a conference sponsored by Calvary Chapel Tel-Aviv, where we were invited to speak of the work the Lord was doing with Beit Rachamim.
We journeyed to En Gedi and climbed to “David’s Waterfall”, headed south and relaxed at the Dead Sea for a few hours before heading home.
We made a surprise visit to “The Road To Emmaus”, visited the Tank Memorial in our village of Har Adar, where two famous battles were fought on the high ground overlooking Jerusalem.
All enjoyed worshipping at King of Kings, and last but not least, gave them plenty of time to do what they do best…SHOP.

We will be visiting the States for the holidays, If any are interested in having us speak about our ministry & current events in Israel, let us know…we will see if we can make that happen.
Any questions, email us at:
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Blessings From Jerusalem
Larry & Bess