October 2021 Newsletter

So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom. - Psalm 190:12

Greetings from Jerusalem.

It has been several months since we produced a newsletter, and for this we apologize. Each month that rolled by, we kept on praying that there would be a breakthrough, and we would have news that the airport would be open to tourists, harsh restrictions eliminated, and life would resume once again, the way it was before Covid. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Israel’s Health Ministry is requiring a third shot for everyone entering the country through Ben-Gurion Airport (non citizens) , or they will forced to be isolated a minimum of seven days.

The policy presents particular difficulties for those who were not vaccinated with Pfizer and for whom a booster might not be advisable or available.

In addition of course, is the required PCR test (nose and throat swab) before and after landing at Ben Gurion Airport with a negative result, and a serological test to insure enough antibodies.

All those prerequisites are ONLY for pre-approved groups, not individuals. As of this writing, which could change tomorrow, individuals are not permitted to enter Israel. The main reason being that the authorities would have no control over where, when, and who they visit during their stay.  The mission teams that come to minister with us in Israel fall into this category. Although they come as a “group”, they are not pre-approved through the Ministry of Tourism, and are therefore not eligible for travel to Israel. The “tour bus groups” are under close supervision regarding their itinerary, and must stay only at certain hotels, and are restricted to a size of not more than 30 individuals. The insanity continues.

Believe it or not, we actually have 6 teams that have scheduled to come in 2022. Whether or not they will be allowed to come, or whether the mission team will still want to come under the current rules and regulations, is to be determined.  By the end of this year, it will be 2 years without a visiting mission team. If it were not for your continued support during this window of time, both in prayer and financially, we would not have been able to weather the storm. We are forever grateful.

After diligently seeking the Lord for many months, Bess and I have been led to do what we do best. If the Body cannot come to Israel, then we will bring the message to the Body.

When a mission team comes to Israel, we spend much time in educating them on the Why and How of sharing the Good News effectively, as well as learning about the Jewish roots of their faith. When we lived in America, we conducted many seminars on Jewish Evangelism, ranging from one day to one week, with groups of all sizes.

Until things change in Israel, we feel we can be best used by the Lord in this capacity. We have already received many invitations to do so, and if your church or home group is interested, please let us know. This will also give us the ability to do what Bess and I have talked about for many years…visiting Synagogues around the country, and making our case for the Messiahship of Yeshua, as the Lord leads. What’s the worse that can happen? “Death, where is your Sting” 🙂

“Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:15-17. We are taking Paul’s words very serious, as well as the Psalmist in the opening verse at the top of the newsletter, as we walk in this new arena.

We understand fully, that in the natural, time is not on our side, so we want to be about our father’s business while we still can. After all, we are employed by a SuperNatural God!

We wish to make it clear, we are keeping our mission home in Jerusalem, and trusting the Lord that he will provide what is needed to meet all of its expenses, as well as our provision while we are in the U.S. during this interim period, until the dust settles and we can return to Jerusalem to minister with our teams to the Lost Sheep of the House Of Israel.

Thank you for your continued support throughout the years, and most especially during these unprecedented times when we really need it most.

Hopefully, we will see the light at the end of the tunnel soon, and with your continued support, we will survive and come back stronger than ever.

If you have any questions, this is our email.

If you are led to help support our work in Israel & the U.S. you can  DONATE HERE.


Larry & Bess

House of Compassion International is a registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit,
Organization #84-4256898