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April 2017 Newsletter

Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch--as you really are. For Yeshua, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. - ICorinthians 5:7

Let us rejoice during this special season of Passover & Easter.

 The One who loved us first…has overcome the world!

For thus saith the LORD: Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout at the head of the nations; announce ye, praise ye, and say: ‘O LORD, save Thy people, The remnant of Israel.’  – Jeremiah 31:7

Over the past month, I have been posting on Facebook & YouTube a series of short videos, to date, a total of five.

I’ve chosen a different messianic prophesy to read and give a short “drash”, (short for midrash) a rabbinic commentary on the Hebrew scriptures.

All of our family and friends know of our faith, and through the years, in some cases 60 year relationships with friends, we have seen some friends and family embrace Yeshua, some with various degrees of interest, but for the most part, limited fruit. Having spent the greater part of the last 20 years in Israel, with virtually all of our family and friends in the U.S., giving us very little real quality face to face opportunities. Hence, the decision to use social media, with the hope that seeds can be planted while they are in the privacy of their home.

The videos, obviously are not intended for only our family and friends, and not just for Jewish people. Thanks to the faithful “sharing” of the videos by those who have watched them, the numbers have increased with each posting.

We are praying that those who are reading this newsletter, and have not as yet seen the videos can now have an opportunity to view them and hopefully share them with your friends and family.

We trust and believe that God will make sure it gets viewed by those that need to see it. I’ve attached one of the videos below.  See all the videos on our VIDEOS page.

My Facebook handle is “Hezekiah Harris”…there are a few of us, but only one in Jerusalem. They were posted as “Public”. If you wish to be a friend, just send me a friend request.

You can find them on YouTube if you do a search for Larry Herzekow.

Friends from Calvary Aurora in Colorado are with us for a couple weeks..their first visit. Erin & Baily have been touring the country, serving the people of Israel, and just experiencing life in the Middle East. They are painting a classroom at “Little Hearts” pre-school, which is the school that Bess started 5 years ago and still going strong. They also served in the Soup Kitchen at King of Kings Congregation.

If you’re interested in serving with us in Israel, just email us at:

If you’re interested in supporting our work in Israel, your tax-deductible gift:

Donate Here

Blessings From Jerusalem

Larry & Bess