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January 2021 Newsletter

Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. - Psalm 96:1-2

We wanted to take this opportunity to share our hearts and all the Lord has done in this past year. We are overwhelmed at His goodness and faithfulness to us. During this pandemic where many organizations, businesses and ministries have had to close, God has been so faithful in carrying us through this season of uncertainty. We are so thankful for your unceasing faithfulness to stand with us during this challenging season.

2020 was a year most of us would like to forget. The Psalmist gives us some worthwhile instruction. It’s a new year, let’s “sing a new song” to the Lord. He tells us to “praise his name”, and to “proclaim his salvation day after day”.

Those are our marching orders! To proclaim his salvation day after day. We are all familiar with the verse that tells us to “pray without ceasing”, but are aware of his instruction to proclaim his salvation day after day!

For two years, prior to the pandemic shutting down Israel, we would take our mission teams to the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem on a Sunday, and have endless opportunities to share the “Good News” with young men and women serving in the IDF (Israel Defense Force).

Bess and I decided to check out the Bus Station on a Sunday a few weeks ago.

For those of you who have been with us on a mission trip, you might recognize the picture below. The area where scores of soldiers would sit and eat, the table and chairs where we joined them to discuss the things of God had been removed. It was very depressing.

Beginning yesterday, January 7th, Israel has gone into a third lockdown, the most restrictive to date.

We cannot travel more than 1000 meters from our home, that’s about 6/10th of a mile, except to go to the doctor or the market for food for the next two weeks. Only essential businesses are allowed to be open.

Despite the lockdowns,we continue to get inquiries from churches about coming this year on a mission trip, but are unsure of how long the closure of the airport to tourists will last, and what will be the requirement, medically, to allow them to enter. Pray with us that with the advent of the vaccines, and a new administration, the ‘pandemic’ will supernaturally disappear.

We received an email from friends, Jewish believers, that we met thirty years ago.

They have decided to finally begin the process of “Aliyah”, applying for citizenship in Israel. So, Lord willing, within about 6 months, we could have our first “host family” here at Beit Rachamim, House Of Compassion.

Please pray for them, we cannot mention their names, the process is lengthy and very detailed. If it is discovered that they are “believers”, they will be denied citizenship, and probably denied even entry into Israel as tourists for a specified period of time. We have several friends who have been in that situation.

In closing, we again want to thank all of you who have stood with us in prayer and with your sacrificial giving. We absolutely could not have gotten through 2020 without you partnering with us. We are forever grateful.

We hope to see many of you, here in the Land, this year.

If you’re interested in bringing a team, or “spying out the land”,send us an email at:


If you would like to partner with us, you can DONATE HERE

Blessings From Jerusalem

Larry & Bess